Assessment for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Is ADHD testing appropriate for me or my child? Will it be helpful? 

An evaluation for ADHD may be helpful if you, a caregiver, or a teacher have observed struggles that interfere with the ability to function at home, at work, or at school. These struggles may include being easily distracted, difficulties starting or completing a task, procrastination, impulsivity, and being physically restless. These struggles can indicate underlying issues worth exploring to seek appropriate support. 

Our clinic provides ADHD testing for both children and adults.

What is involved in testing?

An evaluation for ADHD typically involves a clinical interview, questionnaires addressing various areas of functioning (e.g. emotional and behavioral), and cognitive testing. We may also request teacher feedback and past evaluation records if any are available.

Testing usually takes place in-person over the course of 2 or 3 sessions that are between 2 to 3 hours each. Questionnaires will be emailed and can be completed at your convenience. Results are usually available within 2 weeks from the last in-person appointment or questionnaire completion, whichever is later. Specific scheduling needs can be discussed with your clinician. 

How much does testing cost? 

The fee for an ADHD-specific evaluation with no other diagnostic questions is $4500. 

Occasionally, there are other concerns such as a specific learning disorder or autism spectrum disorder. Our testing service can be tailored to address additional questions for an overall fee of $5500.

How do I make an appointment? 

Please reach out to us via email:

Other psychological testing options are available here.


注意力缺陷多动障碍 (ADHD) 测评适合我或我的孩子吗?会有帮助吗?

如果家长,朋友,或老师观察到某些影响日常生活、学习或工作的困扰,ADHD 多动症评估可能会有所帮助。这些困扰可能包括:

  • 容易分心

  • 难以开始或完成任务

  • 拖延症

  • 冲动行为

  • 身体不安或多动


我们的诊所提供适用于儿童和成人的 ADHD 多动症心理测评服务。

ADHD 测评包括什么?

ADHD 评估通常包括以下内容:

  • 临床访谈

  • 涉及情绪和行为等功能领域的问卷调查

  • 认知测试


测试通常分 2 至 3 次现场完成,每次测试时长为 2 至 3 小时。问卷将通过电子邮件发送,您可以在方便的时候填写。结果通常会在最后一次现场测试或问卷完成后两周内提供,以较晚完成的为准。若有特殊的时间安排需求,可以与您的临床医生讨论。


  • 如果评估仅涉及 ADHD 的诊断问题,费用为 $4500

  • 如果有其他问题(如特定学习障碍或自闭症谱系障碍),我们的测试服务可根据需要调整,整体费用为 $5500

