Our Assessment Center

Our assessment services are available for both children and adults. We also provide evaluations for learning disorders or for general psychodiagnostic clarification. Please inquire (admin-chinese@mindbodygarden.com) to request a free phone consultation.

Assessment Fees

These are price estimates for commonly requested assessment services. Prices may vary after the initial phone consultation depending on your needs. 

  • Intellectual assessment for school applications (IQ Test, age 4+ at the time of testing): $850

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) only: $3000

  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) only: $4500

  • ADHD evaluation with other additions (e.g. Learning Disorders): $5500

Our quoted flat fee includes test administration and interpretation, feedback sessions to discuss findings and treatment recommendations, and the report. 

Our team:


What is a psychological assessment for? 

The purpose of assessments is to help individuals develop a better understanding of themselves. A licensed clinician actively facilitates this process through evidence-based approaches and empirically validated assessment tools. Results from a psychological evaluation are useful in developing treatment plans or requesting additional support services for school or work.

I’m not sure what I should be looking for. Which evaluation should I request?

Our approach to evaluations is highly collaborative, with the opportunity to develop personalized testing that is tailored to an individual’s specific concerns. Please contact us (admin-chinese@mindbodygarden.com) for a free phone consultation. Our clinical team welcomes the opportunity to find out more about your concerns, what you might need, and explain our assessment process before you make a decision. 

What happens after the assessment?  

Your clinician will provide a feedback session to discuss findings from the assessment. They will explain the diagnosis (if any), review areas in need of support, and highlight areas of strength. You will also receive a comprehensive report that describes the assessment results in detail and a personalized list of recommendations. You may use this report in communication with your care providers or the school district.

Is the assessment available in Mandarin?

Bilingual Mandarin- and English-speaking clinicians are available. Some standardized tests must be conducted in English, but our Mandarin-speaking clinicians can conduct interviews and help to facilitate the general testing process in Mandarin. 

How do I make an appointment? 

Please reach out to us via email (admin-chinese@mindbodygarden.com). 

If seeking IQ testing for school applications, scheduling is available via email or through our online self-scheduling system (at the bottom of this page). If the appointment takes place during school hours, we can provide a letter upon request stating the appointment date and time to address school absence for the purpose of the assessment.

How do I pay? 

Credit or debit card payments are accepted on our platform, Simple Practice. Payment information will be requested at the time of scheduling, but your card will be charged only at the completion of the assessment. 

Clients with insurance from Kaiser Permanente require an external referral from Kaiser (for psychological assessment). Please contact your Kaiser clinic for processing. If you do not have the referral, Kaiser will not reimburse your fees. If you have an older referral, we advise you to call the clinic to confirm it is still valid.

Mind and Body Garden Psychology is not currently in-network with other insurance providers for assessment services. Payments are out-of-pocket to be paid directly to our clinic, but we can provide a superbill to help you with seeking reimbursement from insurance providers. If you intend to seek insurance reimbursement, please contact your insurance provider to clarify your insurance benefits/reimbursement for out-of-network services. Insurance companies may sometimes require that you seek pre-authorization.

我们一三心理诊所为儿童和成人提供心理测评服务。我们提供智商测验,学习障碍评估,或一般心理诊断澄清服务,例如自闭症,多动症的诊断等。如需了解更多信息,请发送邮件至 admin-chinese@mindbodygarden.com,预约免费电话咨询。




  • 4岁以上儿童的智商测验 (IQ Test,测试时,必须4岁以上): $850

  • 儿童的自闭症测试 ASD Autism evaluation: $3000

  • 多动症ADHD诊断测试:$4500

  • 复杂诊断测试或者多动症ADHD诊断结合其他测试:$5500

  • 其他神经心理测验


  • 是否提供中文评估?

  • 如何预约?

  • 如何预约智商测验(IQ Test)?


  • 如何支付?
    我们通过 Simple Practice 平台接受信用卡或借记卡支付。预约时会要求提供支付信息,但费用仅在评估完成时扣除。

    持有 Kaiser Permanente 保险的客户需要通过 Kaiser 提供外部转诊。请联系您的 Kaiser 诊所进行心理测评相关的转诊处理。如果没有转诊,Kaiser 将不报销您的费用。如果您持有较早的转诊,请联系诊所确认其是否仍然有效。

    美国一三心理诊所(Mind and Body Garden Psychology) 在其他商业保险的网络之外,都是out of network provider。您在我们这边会需要自己支付全部的服务费用,然后我们会提供服务的收据(superbill),您可以拿着收据去联系自己的保险公司,看是否可以报销一部分。如果您打算申请保险报销,请联系您的保险公司明确您的保险福利和对网络外服务的报销情况。有些情况下,保险公司可能需要您提前获得授权(pre-approval letter)才有可能报销费用。

  • 心理测评的目的是什么?

  • 我不确定该选择什么样的心理测试,应该如何决定?

  • 评估完成后的流程是?

如果想预约智商测验IQ Test,除了联系前台外,还可以直接在这里线上预约: