Assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)


Is ASD testing appropriate for me or my child? Will it be helpful? 

An evaluation for Autism Spectrum Disorder may be helpful if you, a caregiver, or a teacher have observed challenges for yourself or your child in social situations. These challenges may include: difficulties following along with directions for a group, struggling to make friends, extreme emotional outbursts or withdrawal, poor communication, inflexibility, or confusion in or lack of understanding of common social contexts. These can indicate underlying issues worth exploring in order to seek appropriate support. 

Our clinic provides ASD testing for all ages, from as young as 18 months to adolescents and adults.

What is involved in ASD testing?

An evaluation for Autism Spectrum Disorder typically involves a thorough developmental interview with parents or caregivers, the Autism Diagnostic Observation System (ADOS-2), and questionnaires addressing various areas of functioning (e.g. adaptive, emotional, behavioral). We may also request teacher feedback and past evaluation records if any are available.

Testing usually takes place in person and lasts between 2 to 3 hours. Questionnaires will be emailed and can be completed at your convenience. Results are usually available within 2 weeks from the in-person appointment or questionnaire completion, whichever is later. 

How much does testing cost? 

The fee for an ASD evaluation with no other diagnostic questions is $3000. 

Occasionally, there are other concerns such as a specific learning disorder or ADHD as well. Our testing service can be tailored to address additional questions for an overall fee of up to $5500. 

How do I make an appointment? 

Please reach out to us via email:

Other psychological testing options are available here.


自闭症谱系障碍 (ASD) 测评适合我或我的孩子吗?它会有帮助吗?


  • 难以跟随小组指令

  • 交朋友困难

  • 情绪极端爆发或退缩

  • 沟通能力差

  • 缺乏灵活性

  • 对常见社交情境感到困惑或缺乏理解


我们美国一三心理诊所(Mind & Body Garden Psychology)提供适用于各个年龄段的 ASD 测评,从 18 个月大的幼儿到青少年和成人。

ASD 测评包括什么?

ASD 评估通常包括以下内容:

  • 与父母或看护人进行详细的成长发展访谈

  • 使用自闭症诊断观察量表(ADOS-2)

  • 涉及不同功能领域(如适应能力、情绪、行为)的问卷调查


测试通常在现场进行,时长为 2 至 3 小时。问卷将通过电子邮件发送,您可以在方便的时候填写。结果通常会在现场预约或问卷完成后的两周内提供,以较晚完成的为准。


  • 如果评估仅涉及 ASD 的诊断问题,费用为 $3000

  • 如果有其他问题(如特定学习障碍或 ADHD),我们的测试服务可根据需要调整,整体费用会在$3000$5500之间

