Stanford Parenting Workshops
to Jun 16

Stanford Parenting Workshops


Building: Li Ka Shing Center, 291 Campus Drive, Palo Alto, CA 94305

Room: LK101/102

Stanford parking is free on weekends. Please be aware that parking can be difficult on campus, so planning extra time is recommended.

Nearest garage: Roth Way Garage, 355 Roth Way, Palo Alto, CA 94304

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3:00 PM15:00

Interview with a surrogate mother and her lawyer!

  • Mind & Body Garden Psychology Inc. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dr. Xu will live broadcast this interview in English, live Mandarin translation will be available.

You can scan the code to register, or watch live on our FB page: Mind & Body Garden Psychology.

Stephanie M. Caballero, Esq. | Founder and Infertility Warrior

The journey was long, hard, and lonely. While her friends were having baby showers and celebrating their children’s birthdays, Stephanie was sticking herself with needles and subjecting herself to countless ultrasounds, medical procedures, surgeries and doctor’s appointments in hopes that she might one day become a parent.

It took eight years for that hope to turn into reality, with Stephanie undergoing more than 10 artificial insemination procedures in the first two years. The next six years saw Stephanie enduring 13 IVF procedures. Every so often, she would get pregnant and be hopeful that this time it would work. But, it never did. Stephanie had three miscarriages before she finally realized her dream when her children were born via surrogate. She had her children. The wait had been worth it.

As the founder and principal of The Surrogacy Law Center, PLC, Stephanie has represented thousands of clients from all over the world, including intended parents, surrogates and egg, sperm and embryo donors. Stephanie’s expertise in family formation and reproductive law has made her a sought-after expert who has appeared on various television and radio programs as well as in print media including The Today Show, ABC News, HuffPost Live, The Daily Beast, The Bakersfield Californian, Washington Examiner, the Creating a Family radio program, NPR, Fox News, The Los Angeles Times, The Union Tribune and the L.A. Daily Journal (and again on March 23rd, 2015). In 2017 Stephanie established The Estate Planning & Legacy Law Center, PLC, a full-service estate planning law firm, further highlighting her commitment to serving families and ensuring their peace of mind.

Stephanie is a Fellow of the Academy of Adoption & Assisted Reproduction Attorneys, serving on its Ethics Code Review Committee, and is a member of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, serving on the Executive Board of its Legal Professional Group. She is also a member of the American Bar Association.

Sammantha is a repeat surrogate mother completing her first journey in 2018 and her second journey in 2020 with Extraordinary Conceptions. Sammantha is married and a mother to two children. In her free time, Sammantha enjoys spending time with her family and friends, cooking, going to Disneyland, and crafting.

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2:30 PM14:30

Free English Lecture: How to improve Motivation and Work Productivity?

Dr. Alan Chu is an Assistant Professor and the Chair of the Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology Master’s Program at the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay. He is a Certified Mental Performance Consultant working with athletes and coaches across high school, college, and professional levels on psychological skills training. In addition, he’s a Self-Determination Theory International Scholar who conducts research on motivation, particularly in the sport and exercise domains.

You can read more about Dr. Alan Chu’s work on his website.

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to May 16

Xenophobia Free Online Support Group!

  • Google Calendar ICS

The group will be led in Mandarin, but live translators for English and Cantonese will be available.

We have two videos about this topics so far:

4'12: 身边是否有发生攻击,歧视亚裔的事件? 12'19: 为什么在美国,在新冠疫情下,会出现这样的现象? 23'42: 亚裔内部有不同的声音,是怎样的心理现象? 35'08: 亚裔该如何应对这样的情况? 39'15: 新华人对歧视的理解? 1'13'52: 最后大家对听众的寄语? 艺珊邀请到了华盛顿州的崔尔...
我们诊所Mind & Body Garden Psychology和San Mateo County的华人健康促进会一起合作,开展针对Xenophobia的公益线上心理支持小组。艺珊采访了这次小组的发起人,Shiyu Zhang,一起聊聊小组的初衷和华人健康促进会等对旧金山湾区当地华人有帮助的心理资源。小组海报在...
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